Litigation and Courts

What is Litigation?

Litigation is the settlement of legal disputes before any court. The vast majority of commercial disputes between private parties in Jordan are decided by the courts of the so-called civil law branch, in the dictionary it is mean  the act, process, or practice of settling a dispute in a court of law the act or process of litigating.

What is court?

A court is judicial entity, often as a formal institution, which have the  authority to solve  legal disputes between normal or judicial persons in civil , criminal, or criminal disputes.

Litigation and Courts in Jordan lawyer

Our practice in Litigation and Courts in Jordan lawyer  Our office and its attorney team, have taken up more than six thousand cases since 2004 to date, and we have represented more than two thousand and two hundred clients, including more than forty-five companies and organizations.

What is the right of litigation?

The right of litigation is a natural right close to an individual and is a natural right that preceded the existence of the law and does not need to be stipulated in constitutions. This right entails strengthening the principle of the rule of law and access justice.

What is Legal remedy

Legal remedy aims at protection and preventing infringement of rights and freedoms. Day in court is an inherent right and the pillar of freedoms without which a person cannot secure themselves.

It is the right that is considered a guarantee of the rest of the other freedoms. Judicial protection guarantees respecting and recovering dispossessed rights. Legal remedy enhances the stability and security of society as it is the indispensable alternative to avoid the logic of force and the Jungle law.

Sami Alawad and Associates  guarantees you through the firm team of specialized attorneys to deal with your case with the utmost level of honesty, sincerity, and truthfulness in all stages of litigation and before several types of courts, and all types of cases.

Litigation in criminal cases

The firm has a selection of attorneys specialized in criminal cases such as cybercrimes, white collar crime, forgery, fraud, etc. The firm provides litigation services in commercial cases in addition to litigation services in intellectual property cases.

Litigation In civil cases

In civil cases, the firm provides litigation services in all matters related to types of real actions, and civil cases such as a claim for compensation, criminal action, annulment, faint action, pre-emption, signature case, action for discharge, quiet title action, ‎action for partition, separation, and exception, action for disturbance, validity and effectiveness lawsuit, custody lawsuit, and an expulsion case and other types of cases.

Homat Alhaq Law Firm (HALF) has a principle that the attorney should be brave when pleading and defending the truth, and he should not be so when he is wrong.

In addition, our office has attorneys authorized to plead before all Jordanian courts in all their specializations and degrees.

The firm undertakes, by its experienced and legally qualified attorneys, the plead and defense on behalf of litigants before the judicial authorities of various specializations and degrees in civil and criminal cases, and the competent administrative authorities, and arbitration committees and panels in all types of cases.

Our specializations in court cases :

In Criminal Cases:

  • Prosecution of cybercrime: Attorney Sami Alawad specializes in the prosecution of cybercrimes and electronic crimes, as well as the prosecution of cyber extortion crimes and cyber fraud crimes.
  • Cyber extortion crimes: The firm has prosecuted dozens of who use the internet to extortion victims and force them to transfer money. We prosecute through the Prosecutor and the Information Systems Crime Department specialized in those crimes. Read more.
  • Cyber fraud crimes: Recently, this type of crime is common, such as sale presentation of bubble investment projects, such as Forex crimes, phantom loan crimes, phantom goods crimes, and phantom money laundering crimes. Read more.
  • Prosecution of fraud and theft cases: The firm has attorneys specialized in tracking and prosecuting fraud cases, such as Saddam dollars and Syria dollars fraud cases, gold and black euro fraud, etc. Read more
  • Prosecution of breach of trust cases: We accept pleading and defending cases of breach of trust. Read more
  • Check cases: We have deep experience in check cases, and thanks to the firm`s specialized attorneys,whome win all cases in the field of checks cases. Read more
  • Extradition cases and Interpol requests: We specialize in pleading and defending in extradition cases, requests for Interpol extradition, and requests from Arab international police. We have attorneys who in-depth understand and study the Interpol agreement and the Riyadh agreement. Read more
  • Prosecution of Forex fraud crimes and recovery of funds: Three attorneys from the firm specialize in Forex and stock exchange crime cases.

In civil and commercial cases:

Expropriation cases: The firm has successfully assumed many expropriation cases against the Greater Amman Municipality, Greater Irbid Municipality, Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, and many other governmental authorities, and many of our clients have received exorbitant damages due to expropriation of their real state.

Insurance cases: Our firm has attorneys who specialize in traffic accident damage cases, as the attorney of the compensation department holds a doctorate in law. The firm has held legal representation in hundreds of cases.

Labor cases: Our consultants provide legal advice in individual and collective labor disputes, and follow up on labor matters before Labor Courts, Arbitral Tribunals, the Wages Authority and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

Collection of debts, bills, and patrimony: We follow up the collection of debts and patrimony on behalf of our clients. In that, the firm pursues a robust collection policy due to its long experience and know-how in these matters. Read more,

Real estate and rents: Our firm provides legal advice to clients in real estate investments and in all legal actions, such as sale, purchase, leasing, mortgaging, financing, and concluding various real estate agreements and contracts for domestic and foreign customers, buyers, sellers, developers, lenders, architects, or contractors. We pride ourselves on our considerable experience in this field.

Financial Claims Cases: Our firm undertakes pleading and defending cases of financial claims, and damage cases in all its forms, including compensation for expropriation and compensation for traffic accidents and physical injuries.

Banking cases: We undertake defense in many of the cases filed by local and foreign banks.

Execution of the foreign rulings: We represented many individuals and foreign companies in executing the rulings issued in their countries before the Jordanian courts. We made many foreign rulings enforceable by the Jordanian courts. We also undertake defense in a wide range of cases against Jordanian citizens.

Securities and financial commitments cases and disclosure cases: The firm has issued dozens of decisions in each of these types.

Professional negotiators in Jordan

The Firm manages the arbitration proceedings by specialists in local and international arbitration proceedings. We provide arbitration services, including formulation and review of arbitration agreements, the initiation of their procedures, and the implementation of arbitrators’ judgments. Jordan is a member of 1958 The New York Convention on international arbitration. The Jordanian arbitration law is derived from and is fully compatible with the UNCITRAL Model Law. Read more,

Free online legal consultation

Rights Protectors law firm RPLF offers free legal advice about any matter related to Jordan laws , we are available to answer your call , to response to your messages or emails

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